Project Optimization improves Skyrim performance by occlusion culling, which means not rendering effects you can't see. With hyper-realistic color corrections, realistic specular highlights and reflections, improved spell effects, and tons of other adjustments, it makes Skyrim look like a real-world place. Once the game loads, you need to allow 24+ game hours to pass for AI to fully update in each city. And if you're looking for Skyrim Special Edition mods, follow that link to our separate collection. Lauren Morton Load order is often very important when using multiple mods, and sometimes if mods aren't loaded in the correct order they won't work properly.

Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Lets the player be way more in charge of what quests they want. Here are some mods that will improve your overall experience. for Skyrim SLE by my brand ¨Kris†a™¨ : Adds a new race to the game called ¨Demonica¨. SexLab Romance is a new mod for use with the SexLab framework that allows the player to initiate sex via dialogue rather than spells. Skyrim, frankly, wasn't really that fantastic looking to begin with, so there have naturally been a lot-a lot-of visual improvement mods over the years. All versions promise more luxurious trees and bark, taller grass, and prettier plant life. Realistic Water Two, drawing and expanding on the work of some earlier water mods, adds better ripples, larger splashes, re-textured foam and faster water flow in streams, bobbing chunks of ice, and even murky, stagnant-looking water in dungeons. Replacing the Nexus Mod Manager is Vortex, a newer program for organizing your mod loadout. I searched for a mod which could improve them, but didnt find any, so I made this plugin.

You can also browse and use Skyrim mods via the Steam Workshop. If you use a lot of serious lighting mods, like ENB and Realistic Lighting, then this mod can save you several frames per second. Romance is not just another "want sex, get sex" type mod, instead the mod works with a huge range of factors to determine your likelihood of success for a given NPC.